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Factor Fall - Multiplication as Area

Build your times tables fluency by cutting out arrays.

Learning Objectives:
  • Year 4: to recognise and use factor pairs and commutativity in mental calculations
  • Year 5: to identify multiples and factors, including finding all factor pairs of a number, and common factors of two numbers
  • Year 5: to solve problems involving multiplication and division including using their knowledge of factors and multiples, squares and cubes
  • Year 6: to identify common factors, common multiples and prime numbers
  1. The aim is to remove as many rows from the bottom as you can.
  2. Look at the target number - How can you make that number using your knowledge of multiplication facts/arrays?
  3. Drag over the squares to make an area/array.
  4. It's best to remove from the bottom.
  5. After an entire row is cleared the squares move down.
  6. You can make combinations from the stragglers; you don't always have to make an array.
  7. The grid is 12 x 12.
  8. You can skip a number that you don't want.
  9. You can 'peep' to see a multiplication fact for that number.
  10. The pink / red jewels give you more skips.
  11. The blue jewels give you more 'peeps'.
  12. The game is completed when you've cleared 1000 rows!!

Have fun!

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This game is © copyright 2025, J.Barrett, ictgames.com All Rights Reserved.

Made using the ZIMjs and Createjs libraries.