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Firepit Fractions

A fraction recognition game.

Learning Objectives:
  • Y1: To recognise, find and name a half as one of two equal parts of an object, shape or quantity.
  • Y1: To recognise, find and name a quarter as one of four equal parts of an object, shape or quantity.
  • Y2: To recognise, find and name a one third, one quarter, two-quarters and three-quarters of set of objects or quantity.
  • Y2: To write simple fraction for example half of 6 = 3 and recognise the equivalence of two quarters and one half.


Cook items on the firepit.
Look at the smoke. How much will be shaded / burnt?

NB: Yr2 does not require children to become familiar with fifths. I added them to create more variety in the game.

To fit with whole-class teaching and not interrupt the lesson flow this game has no end.

To start again press on the "Year Group" button.

Have fun!

The teardrop flames owe much to wonderful a Copepen posted by Romina Martin. I struggled for a long time to write a clean flame effect that did not push the processor too hard. Romina posted a lovely example here. Whilst I used none of her code, her style was a huge help. Thank you Romina!

Build on the learning with
these games:
Equivalent Fractions

Smoothie Maths


This game is © copyright 2023, J.Barrett, ictgames.com All Rights Reserved.

Made using the ZIMjs and Createjs libraries.