
Sky Writer

An aeroplane-themed handwriting demonstration tool.
    Learning Objective:
  • To sit correctly at a table, holding a pencil comfortably and correctly.
  • To form lower-case letters in the correct direction, starting and finishing in the right place.

This tool is designed for whole-class handwriting sessions using a digital display, or small group work with a tablet propped up on the table.

1. Choose a night or day sky, (useful for dim projectors).
2. Choose cursive or printed letter formation.
3. Choose the letter you wish to practise.
Then watch the jet make your letter in smoke.

There is no game element to this resource, it is purely designed to foster interest in handwriting.

NB:Children can select the smoke colour.

Have fun!

HAVING TROUBLE LOADING? Please try this version.

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This game is © copyright 1999-2023, J.Barrett, ictgames.com All Rights Reserved.

Made using the ZIMjs and Createjs libraries.